Riding Pride-free with Clipless Pedals

I had scheduled a 30 mile bike ride Friday afternoon after work, beginning on the Swamp Rabbit Trail downtown, but my clipless pedals arrived Thursday, so I thought I would go a shorter distance not knowing how I would take to them. People have told me that compared to regular bike pedals, clipless pedals work your thighs more because you are not only pushing down on the pedal, but you are also pulling up on the pedal, thus working other muscles. They also increase your speed overall by a few more miles per hour. Clipless pedals make you one with the bike. So, knowing I had my last swim lesson Saturday morning, followed by a 10 mile run, I would go easy on the bike today, around 20 miles, and just get used to the new pedals.

I was meeting a friend from work, that is an avid cyclist, and he would ride with me on the trail and then cut off once we neared Paris Mountain, which he would ride over. I thought I would keep to flat lands that day since I was getting used to the “oneness” with the bike. People kept telling me, “Just be prepared for it. You’re going to fall over at least once your first day of riding with the clipless.” To which I thought, silently, “Not if I can help it! Not everybody has to fall.”

Getting on the bike and clipping in was no problem. It all “clicked” for me. At road crossings, I would clip out on my left side and be prepared to stop, if needed, if there were vehicles coming. I was overly cautious because I was determined to not fall over my first day.  I wanted to be the exception! They couldn’t be that difficult, could they?

After I had ridden my 20 miles, I decided to ride over to Pedal Chic and look around for a new bike bag. This included riding on real roads and stopping at real red lights and following the road signs as if I were a car. I had only braved the roads once on the bike, but they were less traveled roads around downtown, which are very bike-friendly. Again, I was overly cautious and probably waited for traffic longer than I should because one thing you have to keep in mind: Yes, all vehicle road rules apply to bicyclists, but remember, a car is much bigger and heavier than you and the majority of vehicle drivers are not fond of bicyclists on the road. I know, my sister is one of those. (o:

I was approaching Pedal Chic and was all excited that I had not fallen once and here I was arriving at a bike store, on my bike, decked out in all of my chic bike apparel, helmet and sunglasses. They would think, “Ah! Here comes a real cyclist.” Then, as I was approaching to stop in front of the window-front bike store, I couldn’t get my clip to un-clip. Needless to say, I came to a complete stop by the time it was unclipped, but it was too late. I was leaning too far over to the right side and down I went. I have to say, though, the thoughts that ran through my mind during those few 7 seconds were comical. I thought, “You’ve got to be kidding me! I make it 20+ miles and pull up at a bike store and I have to fall here?? Really? Really.” I guess the bike gods sensed my pride and thought my first day should end otherwise.

As soon as I fell, a lady employee of the bike store came out and asked me if I were hurt. I raised my hand up and proudly said, “I’m alright! I’m alright! First day using clipless pedals. It’s all good!” I added in a little laugh to make her believe me. She believed me, as all cyclists, so they claim, fall once or twice while getting used to clipless.

I ended the day with only 3 bruises on my legs. All of which I’m proud of. Scars of glory, you could say.

Speaking of, there goes that pride thing again. So, I totally lived out the Bible verse, Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before the fall.”

4 thoughts on “Riding Pride-free with Clipless Pedals

  1. OH MY WORD…. I was “Belly laughing” by the end of this story, my co-workers were rushing over to look at my computer screen to see what was so funny… I just gave them the short version and a good laugh was had by all! Proverbs 16:18 will forever be in my mind when I climb on a bike!

  2. Ah, the foreshadowing … I knew you were goin’ down. Life has a way of making fools of us all, and probably just when we need it the most!

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